AM 18 fire classification

AM18 fire classification's description
On 13 April 2008 French regulations for seats intended for Public Spaces (ERP) changed. It is article AM 18 of the town planning code.
Henceforth seats must pass new tests (standard NF D 60-013), and the test is carried out on the covering + upholstery in combination.
To enable you to reach the ambitious goals defined by the decree of 6 March 2006, both in terms of loss of mass and of combustion duration, TF Création, which specialises in flame retardant fabrics, offers its flame retardant barrier.
It can be combined with all the fabrics in the Velto range, and protects the foam cushion, although it is very simple to use. By so doing you make it likely that you will pass the tests, but you will still be able to offer your clients a choice of covering from among more than 80 colours and 15 finishes. TF Création's technical department and its director Martine Girardin will be happy to answer any questions and provide samples in order to help you with your certification project.